building relationships that last
A family of builders building your family legacy.
In 1985 Giacomo DiSipio built a 2200 square-foot colonial on Plain Street in Stoughton. It was his first house, and it was in his first subdivision. As his business grew so did his family and soon his three sons joined him. The DiSipio Building Group has evolved into a custom home building company that also renovates and restores houses. While some things have changed—materials, techniques and technology—other things haven’t. We pride ourselves in maintaining the time-honored standards of fine homebuilding and doing it all with the personal touch, which is our favorite part of the business.
We give our clients the attention they need to ensure that their new custom home is everything they hoped it would be. Residential construction involves a lot of time, energy and money. We think it should also be enormously satisfying—with more than a few moments of pure delight. We don’t just build homes. We build relationships. We want both to last for years to come.
The Disipio Family of Builders
You could say that custom home building is in our blood.
We are the sons of Giacomo DiSipio, who built his first house 37 years ago, and the grandsons of Aldo Ruscito who was also a home builder. You could also say that we were born lucky, since the three of us just happened to be brothers. What’s even better is that we could put that luck to good use. We grew up learning about home building from the inside out. We were then able to find our own niche in the business, each of us doing what we love—and doing it together.
Together we work to ensure that your new home is everything you hoped it would be. Residential construction involves a lot of time, energy and money. It also should be enormously satisfying—with more than a few moments of pure delight.
Our history
Mino is our finish carpenter. As a master woodworker, he crafts one-of-a-kind creations that put the icing on the cake of a new house.
Anthony is our site manager—he’s the one who keeps everything moving forward, and works with you to make sure you are taken care of properly.
Joe works in the office, running the business of the DiSipio Building Group. He works with architects and engineers, manages permitting issues and focuses on business development.
“Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success. "
~ Henry Ford
In a world of shortcuts, we’ve decided to honor the tradition of fine home construction and timeless craftsmanship. Quality takes time—and because of this, our building process is focused on understanding your vision and ensuring we’re crafting your dream.
Quality homes and renovations built by craftsmen.
let’s build your dream together